Friday, 19 September 2008

  • beat
  • peat
  • boats
  • been
  • pears
  • boast
  • been
  • moats
These are all words for which removing any one letter always produces another word. Someone asked me for a longer one. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Chris said...

The best that I can do is a single six-letter: 'shoots' - this is from a search of the Moby Single Words list ( )

If one is willing to accept some pretty obscure words (for which read: not in the OED), the five letter words found are: baals, bleat, boars, boats, boons, boots, boras, bourn, brood, carts, chain, coons, coops, coots, crees, dearn, feels, fleet, freed, freet, gleed, grees, greet, least, loops, loots, meats, moats, moons, moots, pains, pears, peats, preed, prees, proof, raids, routs, seels, sheer, shoot, shoots, skeel, skeen, sloot, tores, trees, tyees, woons and yearn.