Thursday, 16 November 2006

Fanny and Alexander and insomnia

For some reason, I've not been able to sleep so much lately. It must be the weather. In any case, I had to find something to do other than maths and leafing through the Argos catalogue so I took a few movies out. Tonight I watched Fanny and Alexander. Goodness. It left me not really knowing what to think. It was one of those movies where you are totally absorbed in the plot, but at the same time, it's rather difficult to know if anything has really happened. I suppose it reminds me a little bit of An Inspector Calls in that respect. Essentially, the movie is about taking the lid off a relatively affluent Swedish family at the end of the 19th century. Hmm... most curious. Oh, and I've discovered the wonder that are podcasts. What a Godsend! There are so many on just about anything you could imagine. I've been listening to a slightly odd one on French verbs. Or so I thought... It turns out it was actually Relaxation and French Verbs. No sooner had I pressed play and I was transported to a world of deep breathing and Scottish accents. I tried, I really did. I just couldn't keep a straight face when told to imagine I was on a beach in southern France, the waves lapping up against my feet, the tide going in and out, in.... and out... Check it out at