Tuesday 6 January 2009

Yay, atheism!

Neat-o. Apparently I missed out on the crazy bus advert wars featuring scary Christian messages saying that us non-Christians are going to hell. That's so nice! Well I really like this story about groups that are protesting with their own, much less graphic, atheist messages. I'm sorry to miss these, too. Anybody want to take a picture for me? I don't know if I'm an atheist, but I'm certainly not down with the negative things that organized religion has to offer/creates amongst people- oh, like intolerance. Also, being into anthropology/archaeology I always have to wonder who had/has the first and right god anyways, when there are so many to choose from. So I really like the fact that these big, free thinking ideas are being prominently displayed in public. I definitely think along these lines already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To me the interesting thing about that is that for many years belief in God has been protrayed as a wish-fulfilment thing - people believe because they want to go to heaven. Now, apparently, it's atheism that's wish-fulfilment: if you stop believing you can stop worrying and enjoy life.